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Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
> Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> If you stay away from the "innerHTML" attribute (which only works in
>> MSIE, so you're probably not using it) and instead use the methods
>> Document.createElement and node.add and node.insert, then you'll be fine.
> This is false.  innerHTML is supported by most current browsers.

Oh, hey... look at that. I didn't realize that innerHTML was one of the
concessions that the Mozilla folks made when attempting to strictly
adhere to W3C standards.

At some point in the development of Mozilla, the team decided that they
would die if they didn't support some of the tag soup that MSIE has
allowed to fester on the web. Perhaps this was one of the things that
they decided to support.

At any rate, you should try to avoid anything that's not a W3C standard.

> Works in IE, FF and Opera at least, I don't have a Mac to try in Safari
> but I'd bet it works just fine.  I can't testify as to what the minimum
> version of each browser that supports it is... I don't think it's
> exactly new for FF or Opera though, I suspect you'd find the above works
> in FF 1.0 though, and Opera back probably a few versions too.

ff isn't that old; Mozilla is much older than that. W3Schools lists this
table for the innerHTML property:

Property        IE      F       O       W3C
innerHTML       4       1       9       No

So, Opera recently added support, and MSIE and FF have had it from the
very beginning (yeah, MSIE 2 and 3 existed before that, but nobody used
them). No word on Mozilla itself, but it was far enough back that it
shouldn't matter these days.

>> Users of browsers like NN 4, MSIE 4, and some others might be left out
>> in the cold. My advice on that is to make sure that you are only using
>> javascript as added flavor, and to ensure that a non-javascript user can
>> still accomplish everything (even if it is a bit less convenient).
> That's true about older browsers being left out in the cold, but at some
> point I think it's perfectly legitimate to stop supporting older
> versions.

No question. All my apps from the last few years use reasonably recent
standards such as CSS and XHTML. Most old browsers render XHTML just
fine, and sadly CSS isn't perfect across "compliant" browsers even
today. But if you're using NN 4, it's just time to upgrade, dude ;)

- -chris
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