On 1/11/07, Steve Ingraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a similar problem.  I would be interested to know what is said
about this.

In our case we have a web based application that calls up a MySQL
database. It is running in Tomcat 5.5.15 on a Red Hat AS 3 machine.
Every morning I have to manually stop and restart Tomcat.  If I do not
do so and let it run, over the course of a day or two, definitely no
more than the third day, Tomcat will lock up and the web application
will display access errors to the users.

What errors exactly are displayed and what is in the logs?

I then have to run the shutdown.sh script on Tomcat.  Then because the
instance will not clear out I have to run ps aux, find the instance of
java that is running.  I then have to run the kill -9 <pid #> command
and then startup.sh to restart Tomcat.  If I do this first thing in the
morning Tomcat will function without locking up.  If I do not do it
first thing in the morning, sometime during that day, or if I am lucky
the next day, Tomcat will lockup.

If anyone has ideas on what can be done to correct this problem I will
be anxious to read any replies.

You have a huge list of options :-)

First of all, I would check the logs on next lockup and generate a
thread dump (kill -QUIT <tomcat_process_id>)

I also would add a Thread (or scheduled Job) which prints out
System.freeMemory()  all 10 minutes and check whether the amount
decreases over time.

Depending on what the first both show (if anything) I would decide
what to do further.

Btw, despite memory and threads you may run out of db-connections if
they aren't closed properly. Are all pages locked up or do some of
them still work?


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