I would have to agree with the attachment capability of this mailing list.


Andre Prasetya wrote:
i think attachments are disabled...

On 1/17/07, Teh Noranis Mohd Aris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I already solve the problem of loading my applet in the web browser. Thank you to all. Now, I'm having the problem to send request from the applet to the servlet. Attached is the AppletLogin.java (the servlet which I put in
package myapp) and LoginApplet.java (the applet which I put in package
myapp.applets). I use http://localhost:8080/myapp/AppletLogin to access
the applet. The same username and password input should link to "Welcome to
our site", "More cool stuff coming soon" but I got the "Invalid user -
please try again" message. I tried to modify the codeBase variable in the
init() method of the applet but could not link to the next page. I think
that the applet cannot access the servlet in package myapp. The attached
programs are only short programs in a book. I just want to organize the
programs in my own directory. Does anyone have any other ideas why this is
happening? Please help me! Thank you in advance.

Yours Sincerely,

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