Andreas Deller wrote:

A typical entry looks like this: - - [05/Jan/2007:11:23:59 +0100] "GET
/ebanking/css/custom.css HTTP/1.1" 200 -
""; "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"

This results in the client getting back a 200, but no contents
for that specific request.
With 'static files' I mean that this only happens when the client
requests a static file like JPG or CSS. If it calls a servlet,
that response is always returned correctly; just the embedded
static files sporadically show this '200 -' problem.

The 200 status code simply means that the server thinks the file is correctly delivered. (All HTTP requests, regardless of success or failure have a numeric status code associated with the result. You should not have any custom error pages configured for this code.)
I agree with the meaning of 200, but normally, the bytes delivered are
written after the 200 (e.g. '[...] GET /css/default.css  200 27221 [...]').
According to RFC2616, GET should always receive a message body.
I only have error pages for 400, 404, 500, 503, so this shouldn't

What is your setup? Tomcat alone, or Tomcat + Apache HTTPD?
Tomcat alone; tested with 4.1.30 and 5.0.28 on Debian and Solaris 9.

Can you request the CSS or image independently of the servlet in which it is referenced? Have you sanity checked all of the files to make sure they're where you expect them to be?
The files are all correct, since they most of the time are delivered
and displayed correctly. They can be requested independently.


Pid wrote:
Andreas Deller wrote:

I posted this unsuccessfully a week ago under
'Tomcat 4.1.30/5.0.28 empty responses - return code "200 -"',
so I rephrase and shorten my question.

OS: Solaris & Debian, Tomcat version 4.1.30 and 5.0.28.

In the access logs, there are a number of entries with the HTTP
status code "200 -". So the client never sees the contents of
these files, resulting in incorrect layout (the problem just
turns up with static files).

I've tried the Tomcat doc, Google, FAQ, mailing lists to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?

    Andy Deller

Can't see your original message in the list i'm afraid.

I don't understand your question either - you're saying that you see a 200 in the logs, the server returns a static file (do you mean an empty file?).

Can you, perhaps, explain in more detail?


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