Christopher Schultz wrote:
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Daniel Gresh wrote:
I've searched the web for information on Tomcat's directory structure.
According to one page I found, Tomcat should have a /bin directory,
which contains binary executables, such as, which I can use
to restart Tomcat. When I navigate to my Tomcat installation, I can find
no /bin directory. The only directories I have are conf, work, logs, and
webapps. I assume this is a major problem.

It might not be.

How did you install Tomcat? If you used a version from a Linux
distribution (you didn't specify what "UNIX" meant) then the
installation paths can be all kinds of screwed up.

If you installed it yourself from a package from then you
/should/ have a bin directory as you describe.

Another possibility is that you are looking at CATALINA_BASE instead of
CATALINA_HOME and you are using a shared binary installation but looking
at the part that should be application-specific (see RUNNING.TXT in your
installation directory and read the "Advanced" section to understand
what I'm talking about).

If so, should I re-install Tomcat (and update to Tomcat 6.0 while I'm at it)?

Since you are just starting out, I highly recommend getting either the
latest stable version (5.5) or the latest unstable version (6.0 --
apologies to the authors if 6.0 /is/ considered stable) and start there.

Unless there is a very compelling reason to stick with a version that
old, I'd advise you to upgrade.

The relevant part of the error message is:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPNote: has been deprecated.

Wow, I've never see that before. I assume that you are using a rather
new version of Java (maybe JDK 1.5 or 1.6) with Tomcat 4.0. Tomcat 4.0
uses the old javac compiler and the newer ones use something else. It's
possible that if you are using Java 5 (JDK 1.5) or Java 6 (JDK 1.6) that
support has actually be completely removed for the old compiler invocation.

An upgrade to a move recent version of Tomcat will certainly help if I
have correctly identified the problem.

I've checked my JDK version to make sure it supports generics,
which it does. If this problem is not related to the first problem, I
believe there may be a problem with my CLASSPATH variable. What exactly
do I have to set this variable to so Tomcat can
recognize the proper settings?

You can't change the CLASSPATH used by Tomcat (well, you /can/, but
there's no reason to do so). I think that your Tomcat version is killing
you, here.

Upgrade and try again. If you have problems at that point, feel free to
post another question.

- -chris

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Hi, thanks for the replies.

Reading RUNNING.txt was very helpful, as the problem with not finding the /bin directory and a problem I experienced after I found the bin directory was due to the presence of a CATALINA_HOME and a CATALINA_BASE. I found my /bin directory in CATALINA_HOME, and used to shutdown Tomcat. More on that later, as that lead to a problem.

The reason I have Tomcat 4.0.5 is that my server admin is very busy and therefore won't have time to upgrade to a more recent version for awhile. So, I'm stuck with Tomcat 4.0.5 for awhile unless I have a compelling reason to upgrade. Although in the replies I have gotten upgrading is highly recommended, I want to first sort out the problem I just got after using Then once the server isn't causing me any more problems with that and if it IS causing me problems with my JSP, I will most certainly upgrade; I'm not disregarding anyones advice.

Anyway, I used to shutdown Tomcat. I waited for a minute, then I used to start Tomcat again. However, when I navigate to my localhost:8080 directory to view my index.jsp page, I get the following error:

 Apache Tomcat/4.0.5 - HTTP Status 404 -
 (Permission denied)


*type* Status report

*message* _/var/apache/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/_/index$ (Permission denied)_

*description* _The requested resource (/var/apache/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/_/index$ (Permission denied)) is not available._

I'm not sure what this is telling me. It says permission denied, but in the description, it says the resource is not available. This may be something that would be more appropriate for me to ask my system admin, but I figured I would post here first, just to see if it is a problem I can solve on my own. Is there any log file I could post that might give more information, or is this pretty much a problem I need to resolve with my system admin?

Thanks for the help,

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