>Haroon Rafique wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> I thought you said you had access to the source. You won't find the 
> sources inside the tomcat webapps directory. You are likely 
> to only find 
> the .war file and an expanded ware file directory (but no 
> sources). Find 
> out in which directory the real sources are and then look for a "src" 
> folder (or a src/main/java folder in case maven is being 
> used). Inside the 
> "src" folder you should be able to find a directory structure which 
> corresponds to the package you quoted eariler:
>       org.keel.clients.struts.ModelAction
> The above package would correspond to the following directory:
>       org/keel/clients/struts
> Inside that directory, you should look for a file 
> ModelAction.java. Look 
> either for an excute() method or in case of a DispatchAction 
> flavor, you 
> might have method names which correspond to verbs like 
> edit(), save(), 
> etc.
> In any case, you have to find ModelAction.java. Try using:
>       locate ModelAction.java
> That's assuming that your "locate" database is up-to-date 
> (typically the 
> command updatedb is used in a nightly cron job to update the "locate" 
> database).
> Later,
> --
> Haroon Rafique

David, P, Hassan and Haroon thanks for the information.  I am looking at
the ModelAction.java now.  The programmer had created the application on
a development machine and then transferred the working application to
the production server.  I have gone into that development machine and
ran the locate ModelAction.java command.  It returned several versions
of that file in various locations.  I am not sure exactly which one is
the one that was ultimately used but I am able to see in that code.
Regrettably I am not seeing anything in that code that I understand to
be showing me where the specific input is passing to the database.  I
can provide information on the source code if anyone would be willing to
look it over and educate me on it.  Or, if there is a generic version of
this code would anyone be familiar with what the code would be doing.
Looking at this code it does seem to be generic in nature.  Neither
Michael Nash nor Shash Chatterjee was the programmer for this
application so I am assuming this was a generic java file that was used
by this programmer.  This is in the comments section at the beginning of
the script:

 * An Action that provides the glue between Struts and Keel. 
 * @author Michael Nash
 * @author Shash Chatterjee
 * @version $Revision: 1.24 $ $Date: 2005/05/26 10:16:39 $

If anyone has some further input on what would be the best way to
examine the script I would appreciate any additional direction.

> Tracy Nelson wrote:
>Have you considered having a consultant come in and document the
system? This isn't unusual (at least, I was hired to do 
>it a couple of times back when I was consulting), and will probably get
you better and quicker answers than trying to 
>figure it all out yourself.  Plus, if things come up later, you may
well be able to just call this person up and ask them >questions or run
ideas by them.  At least there would be someone else who knows how your
system works.

This is something I have tried to talk to my bosses about.  I would do
this in a heartbeat but I do not hold the purse strings.  My bosses have
the belief (not because of anything I have told them mind you) that
whoever manages their Network systems should be able to do anything they
need done in the computer world.  This includes fully understanding how
the previous programmer coded this Java/ant/struts/Tomcat application
front end to their database.

I am hoping that if I ask enough questions on this and other mail lists
your expert advice can lead me to the information.  It is a very
frustrating way to get this done but it is all I have available for me
to do at this time.  Because of this I am eternally grateful for all of
you guys and your willingness to educate me.


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