On 3/4/07, Patrick Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would assume it works in general and is specific to my instance here.

Note that

<[EMAIL PROTECTED] file = "/path/to/something.jsp" %>

works fine if I am inside the root directory of the webapp, If however
I have that include inside /somewhere/file.jsp then it always gives me
a File not found.

No, that works fine (I did spend the time to test it, and as I said,
the test suite will test this feature). This is the same mechnism for
request dispatching, so I assume we would know it if it was not

If I put /path/to/something.jsp inside the directory /somewhere/ it is
then able to find the include - which looks to me like the leading
slash in the include is having no effect and the path is relative to
the current path and not the webapp root?



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