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Peter Kennard wrote:
> I have some real mysterious behavior, it seems the first chunk just doesn't
> make it into the output.  Doesn't matter how long or short it is.
> Seems like a BUG unless I'm doing something wrong.

This code looks fine, except you didn't provide all of the code (where
does txt come from)?

> public void service( ServletRequest req,
>                      ServletResponse res)
>     throws IOException, ServletException
> {
>     java.io.OutputStream os = res.getOutputStream();
>     for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
>     {
>          String txt = "Some Text " + i + "\n";
>          os.write(txt.getBytes());
>          os.flush();
>     }
> }
> /**** the results in a purely socket based client (ie exactly what is sent
>       back - all appropriate except the "Some Text 0" is plain missing
> !!! */

Have you checked the result with a hex editor or anything like that? Is
it possible that txt.getBytes() in the first loop iteration is giving
you some text with a CR in it? It so, your terminal could be overwriting
the text with the next line of output, even though it's really there.
Just a shot in the dark.

Try piping wget through od and see what falls out.

- -chris

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