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Thomas Peter Berntsen wrote:
> Without the
> URIEncoding="UTF-8" parameter the Danish special characters are not
> echoed correctly, whereas _with_ the parameter everything in the
> request is echoed correctly.

Okay, good. I thought you were saying that the URIEncoding attribute
changed nothing. It sounds like it fixes most things, but not your
directory-listing thing.

> ...But the directory listing seems unaffected, along with the direct
> file requests which still return a 404.

Direct file requests might never be expected to work, because the
/browser/ never knows what URI encoding to use. You'll have to check
your browser's default URI encoding, and it might be different for every
browser. This is one of those places where the HTTP spec kinda falls on
its face. W3C says that UTF-8 should always be used
(http://www.w3.org/TR/html40/appendix/notes.html#non-ascii-chars) but
I'm guessing that there's a lot of inertia in web servers (Tomcat uses
ISO-8859-1 for instance) and browsers (I'm guessing).

> I also tried to change the GET to a POST in the form, and that results
> in characters getting misrepresented, no matter if the
> URIEncoding="UTF-8" parameter is specified in the connector or not.


> Absolutely, here you go:
> <Connector port="8080" URIEncoding="UTF-8"

Looks good to me. I think I'm out of ideas. Let's recap: how many of
these work?

1. GET form submissions
2. POST form submissions
3. Directory listings (visually, do the filenames appear correct
  in the page)
4. Links from directory listings (when you click on them, do they work)

#1 should work if you are using URIEncoding="UTF-8" (you are).
#2 should always work, assuming that you have UTF-8-ized your app.
#3 should always work, since the directory listing should know what
   encoding it is using, and set the content-type header correctly
   (can you verify that the directory listing page display is using
   UTF-8 by looking at the page's properties or whatever?)
#4 might not work, depending on a whole lot of things. We'll see.

- -chris

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