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Berglas, Anthony wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> The underlying issue is that when Role R is required for Page P then
> *TWO* things need to happen depending on whether the user is in role R.
> These are
> 1. Allow or block access to page P.
> 2. Grey out or not grey out the menu item for page P.

Right, I understand.

> We only want to specify the fact that Role R is required for Page P
> ONCE.  Declarations in web.xml handle 1.  but not 2.  

This is because the servlet spec does not have any way to ask what roles
will be required for another URI. In fact, there's no way to ask what
what roles are required for the /current/ URI... you will have to
determine the role requirements yourself, then loop over
request.isUserInRole() checking each one looking for a match, then
display the link as appropriate. It's messy, which is why not many
people do this type of thing.

>> Well, since you haven't asked Tomcat to provide authorization, it
>> doesn't care about authentication. That seems perfectly reasonable to
> me.
> Not so.  I have asked Tomcat to provide authorization by calling
> request.isUserInRole(...).  And Tomcat fails.

Calling request.isUserInRole does not "turn on" authorization checking.
Adding <security-constraint> to web.xml does that. Tomcat is not
failing. It is working as designed, and follows the servlet spec. If you
can find another servlet container that /can/ do this, then it is
operating outside of the servlet spec.

> IMHO it is a straight bug in an optimization.  isUserInRole etc. needs
> to have an extra test:
>   if (! authenticationHeaderProcessed() )
>      processAuthenticationHeader();

Request.isUserInRole should happen long after the headers are processed.
Your user's role it set at authentication time, not determined at
authorization time.

Honestly, your best bet IMO is to scan web.xml yourself at webapp
startup and build your own list of URIs and role mappings. Then, you can
consult your own registry to find out whether the current user will be
allowed to access a particular URI. Actually, it doesn't sound that
hard. The only problem is that you will have to step outside of the API
provided by the servlet spec (which is not a big deal at all).

The fact is that Tomcat will not perform authorization without also
performing authentication.

- -chris
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