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> I was hoping that for what you need it would be possible to piggyback on
> that simple framework, even if it meant parsing the tomcat-users.xml to
> gray menu's, but it seems you have to work outside of that frame-work.

Parsing tomcat-users.xml never makes any sense. You can get all the
information provided from that file through the servlet API: the user's
name (request.getUserPrincipal().getName()) and you can check the roles
using request.isUserInRole() -- of course, you have to know what roles
to check, but you should already know that.

What you might want to parse is the authorization mapping, which usually
resides in web.xml. The OP wants to put this somewhere else (not sure
why) and then have Tomcat enforce it (which ain't gonna happen).

> If you writing code at this level.... forget about that config
> stuff..... you on your own.

If you really want to hack around with authentication and authorization,
check out securityfilter (http://securityfilter.sourrceforge.net). The
code is portable across servlet containers, and especially across
different versions of the same container ;)

> I still have a feeling all you really need is the generic tomcat
> security and someone to write a little XMLparsing code that gives you
> functions like
> IsThisUserAllowedToAccesThisPage(User,Link);

I believe this is correct.

> Then you have Two Maps to fill out.... User -> Role (already standard in
> tomcat)

There's no reason to manage that map yourself. All you need is what's
already in the servlet API.

You can also get the "Role -> Link" (really, URIs mapped to allowed
roles) from web.xml. Just parse web.xml looking for
<security-constraint> elements and use those. One single point of
configuration (a requirement by the OP), and Tomcat enforces your
authorization, which is a nice feature. Not having to write your own
security code is always nice, because usually other people's (security)
code is better than yours is likely to be.

> Maybe....Anyway I dont think you going to find the magic function you
> looking for

The only thing I can think of us using JMX to snoop Tomcat's existing
URI->Roles mapping, which is't got to have lying around. The only
question is whether or not it is available to unprivileged webapps.

- -chris

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