Just thought of a another way to map files... and I think it may work out better... but dont ask me how to set it up I've forgotten... because linux never breaks.

Try Samba.... on linux, it allows you to map the linux file system to windows. So the windows guys will be working with files just like they normally do... but those files actually live on the linux server.... now if you symlink on linux, windows will just think its the normal file system. I like this more because I know it works and it means you also have the test case running on linux... ie if you stick tomcat on linux, the changes on windows will just happen there as well.... Samba... its better... no daring technology on MS thats always going to be a headache to maintain.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Johnny Kewl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: virtual directory

I dont know... I think you have be spoilt by linux .... windows shortcuts just dont equal linux soft links... hey! :) I see what you saying.... even if say you made a little servlet that could suck files from anywhere, how does the calling program see shell folders, I suppose you could make the URL mimic files like http://myMagicFileSucker/filesystem/subfolder but its never going to be enough to make a normal java program think its a folder.

I think if you had linux links on windows, it would make you happy... and guess what, its possible but MS doesnt advertise it because there are a few things a normal user can do that can really screw things up.

Have a look at a free solution and have a look at microsofts solution... they call linux links... junction points.

Free solution http://www.rekenwonder.com/linkmagic.htm
Microsoft  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/205524

You will be able to map external folders to a tomcat webapp folder...

I think this is a kludge of last resort and I wouldnt recommend it to any1 unless there is absolutely no other way. Make sure your programmers really understand things like if they delete a junction point in explorer... weird stuff can happen because the ms file explorer doesnt know what these things are. Whew!... just be careful... I'm thinking about stuff like tomcats auto deployment... I mean if that whacks the folders before it makes new ones, and it probably does... some programmers files somewhere else will get whacked if you drop another WAR file in... ha ha, but then hey I suppose that should also happen on linux links... anyway test it carefully. ....have fun.... I'm putting on my bullet proof vest, and changing my name... so you will never find me again.... ha ha.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Sylvain Roche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: virtual directory

Hi Johnny, hi everybody

I took the images example to explain and simplify the problem, but actually I may need to include different contents, which may be static - like images, flash animations, html pages - but may also be jsp pages for exemple, and some of these contents are likely to be generated by another web application.

This works fine for years with oc4j / orion, so we would rather have the lesser to change before we can switch oc4j for tomcat. In fact if we can't manage to do that, it may be a reason to discard tomcat from our choice list, because some part of our application relies on virtual directories.

Best regards


At 10:14 11/04/2007, Johnny Kewl wrote:

Hi sylvian....
When developing I do this

request.getContextPath() + uri;

but I wrap the request.getContextPath() in a little routine like say imageMap(String uri) and use that in my JSP's

Thats cool because if I change the context path the app doesnt break...

BUT... I do it for a much better reason.

When I'm done making a Tomcat app I move all the images to the Apache server...

And then just change imageMap(String uri) to point to the Apache Web server url...

Apache Web Srvr is damn good at delivering images and Tomcat speeds up nicely when you do this.....

I actually cant believe that people use cross context stuff for images.... if you dont want to use apache, the you could make a single webapp, dump all your images in there, and just address that in your other apps, http://myImageTomcatServer/image/xxx.jpg

Let the browser join the images for you... if you have a look at web pages you will often see the images come from a different server... like look at web counters for example.

Heres another example.... if I make a captcha generator (you know those little images that have numbers in them) then I make a seperate servlet called CapchaGen.jpg.... and in my other apps I call that URL.... image appears in the browser.

What document is this that you talking about... sucking images from other webApps through context sharing... sounds crazy?

Good luck


----- Original Message ----- From: "Sylvain Roche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 7:23 PM
Subject: virtual directory


this seems a very classical problem for tomcat users, but I couldn't find on the web a solution which satisfies me.

We plan to host multiple applications, on a tomcat box. These applications may all need an images directory. But of course each of them has a different images directory. What we want to do is to deploy different versions of each application, without the need to move the images.

The crosscontext context solution, which is the one given everywhere, does not correspond to our need, because, as far as I tried it - I may need an unknow depth for the point I will make the link, for example, it could be /images/layout/DE_de - I need to have a mapping inside my web-app, ie inside the context rather than at the same level - when I read the doc, it seems to me that this is a workaround, a misuse of something that was made for being able to dispatch requests to another application - what I want is only to link something out of my application deployment path as if it was inside. I don't know if it is wise to rely on this workaround for long term
- the same mapping (/images) has to be different for each application

basically this is what is performed on Oracle's OC4J with the virtual-directory directive, on weblogic with virtual-directory-mapping. Actually I found some kind of virtual directory on every j2ee server but tomcat. I can't imagine that this problem has no solution other than the cross context. I may have missed something, but where ?

Best regards


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