I have tried couple of tests with jsp and servlet redirection to
Tomcat. jsp(s) work fine. Having a problem with servlets.

To begin with, here is my obj.conf settings:
NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from=/try dir="/usr/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.0/webapps"
NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/try/servlets-examples/*" name="jknsapi"
NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/try/jsp-examples/*.jsp" name="jknsapi"

I have Tomcat 5.5 running.

When i launch http://sunserver:port/try/servlet-examples it loads the
default html page listing the Servlet examples. But when I click on
Execute none of the servlets seem to be invoked.

server logs this error:
[13/Apr/2007:21:21:09] warning ( 4552): for host trying to
GET /try/servlets-examples/servlet/HelloWorldExample, send-file
reports: HTTP4142: can't find
(File not found)

So it looks for servlets under webapps/servlet-examples/servlet

How to rectify this and invoke Tomcat example servlets from SunOne server


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