Hello !

First of all : maybe you should consider giving exception traces in english
! Because you know, I doubt that a lot of people here can speak Italian.
Yes, I know : your Tomcat and your JBuilder are in italian...

If i compile the web application into a .war and deploy on a standalone
tomcat, it just works, it asks me for user and pass of xx rule and let me
access it. If i run from JBuilder i get error:

org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm authenticate
GRAVE: Unexpected error
java.lang.SecurityException: Impossibile trovare una configurazione di

It looks that Tomcat is unable to find its configuration file. And I'm not
surprised since the official doc (
says that you must tweak your
server.xml too. But maybe is it a JBuilder conf file ? I don't know, I'm
using Eclipse.

If i remove from web.xml the following part:

    <display-name>Security Constraint</display-name>
      <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
    <realm-name>Protected Area</realm-name>

then JBuilder will not throw the error.
Probably it ignores the tomcat-users.xml file in /conf/ dir?

No but since you  are removing the security constraint it  doesn't apply any
more ! :-) This line : <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> means that you must be
logged in in order to access any ( /* ) page of your webapp. Remove this
and, in the opposite, you can freely browse through the app.

The strange thing is that if i remove auth part from web.xml, on JBuilder,
when i run it, the user/pass form still shows, but i just ignore it or click
cancel, and if i point with web browser to localhost:8080/xx i can access

See above. IMHO, the form still shows because it is the first page of your
app. Which is a requirement of Tomcat, AFAIK.

I think i gave u all the information needed to find the problem. Hope u can
get a solution for it, i can't figure how to solve from months :( Every time
i have to add/remove the auth part from web.xml either i'm debugging or
deploying: quite frustrating.

Thanks in advance.


Pierre Goupil

A celle qui se souvient de chaque parole prononcée,
Du premier cri du bébé au serment du héros.
Tu es mon témoin éternel.

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