I just had IPv6 installed on a dev machine so I can make sure my code works with IPv6... like for example when you install IPv6 on XP and then http://localhost:8080 it comes into tomcat as a [::1] address, bet thats going to catch a few guys...

I also figured out a way that you can prove that your tomcat is binding with ipv6
type netstat -noa

it will give you the PID which you can get check in the task manager (cntrl-alt-delete)
Tomcat 5.5.17 is DEFINITELY IPv6 enabled...

BUT to my amazement.... the win32 binary of Apache httpd web server 2.2.4 on apache.org (latest one) IS NOT.... even though the docs say its ipv6 enabled. Guys... you got to fix that... because not only do IPv6 addresses not work... the host name on a IPv6 XP machine maps to a IPv6 address and Apache Web server DOES NOT WORK..... it means windows IPv6 users see a BROKEN Apache.

Just netstat -noa and you will see it is not binding with IPv6

Saverio.... when I saw your email, I setup another IPv6 XP machine and tried to call it with IPv6 address, on local subnet.... to my horror it doesnt get through to machine with tomcat either.... however I can ping6 the machine....

So unfortunately because Win32 Apache Web server is not IPv6 enabled I couldnt find another test case to see if it is in fact a Tomcat problem.... Somehow I dont think it is.... there doesnt seem to be any intrinsic IPv6 router support nor a IPv6 DNS and it might be that on IPv6 on one windows machine just cant see the other one.... anyway I'm researching.... will let you know what I find.

We either got to find a test case... like a working IPv6 apache web server.... or we got to figure out how one windows machine tells the others that it is an IPv6 animal......

----- Original Message ----- From: "SAVERIO FERRARO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:25 PM
Subject: Tomcat 5.5.17 and IPv6 configuration

Hi all,
thank you for your responce.
But there is the problem tomcat 5.5.17 and IPV6 too.
I installed Microsoft IPv6 on Win XP sp2 and then Tomcat 5.5.17.
Now I can access to Tomcat page from OPERA with http://localhost:8080 and with http:/[::1]:8080. I have just tried from remote computer with http://[full_ipv6_address]:8080 and http://[full_ipv6_address%ID]:8080 but nothing!

May You help me?


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