I am trying to integrate Tomcat 6.0.10 with Apache 2.2.4 using mod_jk-1.2.22. 
The traffic seems to be flowing correctly to Tomcat on port 8080 from apache 
through the connector. Tomcat and Apache reside on the same machine.

Just as a quick note, mod_jk does not send traffic to a http port (8080) on tomcat. It should flow to an AJP port (8009 by default). I'm suspecting mod_jk isn't doing what you think it is.

Can we see the active connectors in your server.xml file? Just the ones that aren't commented out. We don't need to see all the documentation stuff.


Khalil wrote:


I am trying to integrate Tomcat 6.0.10 with Apache 2.2.4 using mod_jk-1.2.22. 
The traffic seems to be flowing correctly to Tomcat on port 8080 from apache 
through the connector. Tomcat and Apache reside on the same machine.

I want to force apache to drop prot 8080 form the url when it forwards to 
tomcat since we're behined a firewall and port 8080 is closed.

For example, when I type in the browser: http://somehost/match2020/  apache 
forwadrs to tomcat and the url is changed to http://somhost:8080/match2020/. I 
want to get rid of 8080 form the url and just be on port 80.
I have read and re-read the docs on http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc and 
googled for few hours now but I am just unable to do it. I must be missing 

Here is what I have done:

I have placed these lines in apache's httpd.conf:

LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
JkWorkersFile "C:\Program Files\Apache Software 
JkLogFile "C:\Program Files\Apache Software 
JkLogLevel info
<VirtualHost ip_address:80>
   JkMount /* loadbalancer
   JkMount /match2020 loadbalancer
   JkMount /match2020/* loadbalancer

Workers.properties file looks like this:

# First tomcat server
# ------------------------

#worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=tomcat2, tomcat4, tomcat1, tomcat3

I added the following connector to server.xml in Tomcat

<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" 


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