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Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
> proxyName is only for the Host name, which can also be accomplished by
> adding
> ProxyPreserveHost On
> in apache, and hence be able to support more than just one URL. So
> remove proxyName from the connector and added the above statement to
> your httpd config


        Thanks for your reply :)

        ProxyPreserveHost On is in the httpd config, and it does preserve URL
rewrites where the URL is recognisable as such to Apache. The problem
occurs when the TomCat instance completely rewrites the URL by looking
at things like the hostname of the server it's running on and passing
that in as part of the data (e.g. a link embedded in a dynamically
generated web page.) It's these types of links that Apache cannot
possibly discover or rewrite.

> in terms of what you are doing, that's a bit more tricky.
> since you are doing URL rewriting, there is no way for Tomcat to know
> that it needs to prepend "/customername/" to the URLs.
> do you have ProxyPassReverse in your httpd config? that should take care
> of Response headers, as for HTML itself,
> you need to probably create a valve or filter that adds the customer
> name into the HttpServletRequest methods through a wrapper

        This sounds like exactly what I need to do. Can you point me in the
right direction regarding how I might do this? One TomCat instance will
always be for one customer, so the customername can be set as a global
parameter, in, e.g. the server.xml file.

        I've partially worked around the problem by deploying apps in a
/webapps/customername/appname/foo  type directory structure under
TomCat, but that's a bit of a hack and I suspect there's an easier, more
graceful way. Is there?

        Best regards,

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