Hello, I just upgraded to Tomcat 6.0.13 from 5.5.9 (no particular reason for 
the upgrade, just keeping up to date).  I am running Java 1.6.  However, 
instantly I'm having trouble that I cannot resolve regardless of endless hours 
of searching for and trying to apply answers to previous similar problems.  
After starting Tomcat, I get the following errors within the log file for every 
web application:

===== Start =====
INFO: Exception initializing TldLocationsCache: XML parsing error on file 
/WEB-INF/web.xml: (line 19, col -1): Element type "web-app" is not declared
===== End =====

The (line 19, col-1) is different per web app, but this particular line is 
interesting in that it is an error from the "manager" app web.xml file itself.  
Generally, to resolve problems with tomcat, I refer to the manager app, etc. 
figuring this one, if any, will be correct.   I tried adding the DOCTYPE entry 
to the web.xml with no success.  I updated the <web-app> tag to the version 2.5 
as in manager/WEB-INF/web.xml for all my apps.  

It is simply an "INFO" problem, but none of my web apps work.   I am wondering 
if it has something to do with the change from using "common" and "shared".  I 
heavily relied on "shared", but decided to go ahead and change to using "lib".  
Should I change catalina.properties to go back to using shared?  However, the 
problem I have when trying to access a web app is universally:

===== Start =====
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: This absolute uri 
(http://java.sun.com/jstl/core) cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar 
files deployed with this application

===== End =====

This undoubtedly comes from hitting the app's "index.jsp" which references the 
jstl core libs the same way as I have been doing it since I can't remember 
when.  Here is the line in my "index.jsp" file.

===== Start =====
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; prefix="c"%>

===== End =====

I did hit one email suggesting it should be http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core, 
but that didn't fix it either.  Same error, except it said the uri 
(http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core) cannot be resolved....

I have no idea if these two are related, but suddenly tomcat can't seem to find 
the JSTL stuff, even though JSTL.JAR and STANDARD.JAR are in the lib directory. 
 Some posts suggest to put JSTL.JAR and STANDARD.JAR into every web app's 
WEB-INF/lib directory, but I don't agree.  The truth is, the lib directory ( or 
shared ) is supposed to be used for this exact thing... that is, libraries, 
etc. used by ALL applications..  This is, then, the location where I put my 
java framework jar, my common web apps jar, and the common TLD files, etc.  I 
also modify the conf/web.xml to reference common servlets, tag libs and 
everything else.  Here is the entry from within the conf/web.xml referencing 
the core jstl taglibs:

===== Start =====

===== End =====

Please note... I'm not terribly sure right now that "lib/tld/c.tld" is the 
correct path ( now that I've changed to using "lib" instead of "shared" ).  The 
structure of my web apps is the default:

===== Start =====
===== End =====

My initial thinking was that maybe I needed the entry to be:

===== Start =====

===== End =====

However, this did not work either, nor any meaningful combination of it.  So, 
what am I missing?

Joseph Morgan

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