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Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Giovanni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Subject: Tomcat not close file when webapps is stopped
>> Can I force the close of the file on Tomcat when the webapps 
>> is stopped?
> It's not Tomcat's responsibility to clean up resources that it has no
> knowledge of - that's up to the webapp.  You should be able to use a
> ServletContextListener to accomplish that.  See section 10 of the
> Servlet Spec.

I'm guessing that Giovanni isn't explicitly opening struts.jar from his
own WEB-INF/lib directory and leaving it open (though it's certainly not

Obviously, the only "cms" files still open after the webapp was shut
down were the aforementioned library and a properties file (which /was/
probably never closed).

Is there any reason that Tomcat (or the JVM, probably) would leave
a JAR file open like that?

Giovanni: you might want to ask the authors of the CMS application you
are using (OpenCMS?) if anyone has observed anything like this before.
I'm pretty sure that Struts doesn't open its own library for any reason
(and keep it open), but you could also ask on the Struts list if anyone
has observed that behavior before. You might also want to just wait...
Java doesn't always clean everything up at once. Give your JVM a few
minutes and take another look. Otherwise, break out a memory profiler
and start poking around.

- -chris
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