I wonder if anybody can help, we have an application set up as follows:

        The front end web services are on a web server running appache
and tomcat.  

        The back end web services are on an oracle application server.
War files are deployed through tomcat manager and oracle enterprise
manager as appropriate.

Connections are made to the web server which connects via an apache aj13
connector to a tomcat port.  The session is redirected to a third party
to accept the payment.  The payment is accepted but the third party
needs to update the database via the back end web services that the
payment has been made.
The third party connects back to the front end web services but needs to
be redirected to the back end web services.  
mod_proxy and the following two lines can do this

ProxyPass /myapp  http://OAPserver/myapp
ProxyPassReverse /myapp  http://OAPserver/myapp

Our network people won't let us use mod_proxy - is there another method
anybody can suggest of doing this?


Kind Regards

Sheila Cullen

ext 2699

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