I'd like to add the webdav servlet to my own web application.  I can
do this and it works, but it treats the root of my webapp as the root
of the dav share.  I would like to have my webapp do more than webdav,
so I was hoping I could specify that only a portion of my webapp is
visible to dav.  I initially (naively) though setting up a simple
servlet mapping would fix it, similar to this:


But then realized this has nothing to do with the share point.  So
then I thought it would be set as an init-param, but looking at the
docs there is no such parameter, but the top of WebdavServlet.java
says this:

* Check out http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=40160
for a Filter
* that allows you to map this servlet anywhere inside a web
application, not just
* the /* URL pattern.

So this sounds like what I'm after.  I look at the issue and the guys
initial report seems exactly like my situation.  After that, another
guy posts a "solution" using a filter, and although I'm far from a
filter expert, this doesn't seem like a solution at all.  The code has
typos in it, so that makes me even more suspicious that it wasn't

So I'm hoping someone can provide a solution for me, or if the filter
*does* work, explain how/why, because what I've seen just seems to
cover request made for specific microsoft resources.


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