Hi Filik:

I understood what he wanted to do. My post is about how needed is this for him?. If it is a company requirement ok. But if there is no requirement why to slow the server down?.

IMHO, in a properly set apache proxy configuration nobody except apache will interact with the aplication (you name it) that lies bellow him. So even if companies or users wishes this double encryption I seriously doubt they will be getting more security.

Anyway, as far as I know both servers can share the same keys for authentication (I am pretty sure there is a quite close in date -previous month- thread posted in this list or in Opencms' one) and just looking into his config it should work so just try it out. He is just missing the addition of the DocumentRoot where his contents under tomcat lies.



Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
I think what he wants is

browser -> http -> Apache -> http -> tomcat
browser -> https-> Apache -> https-> tomcat

a lot of companies have these requirements


Arian Abrahantes wrote:

I think this has alraedy being discussed somewhere here. Why do you need double enchriptation? It is enough with the apache one. Use something like:

broweser -> https -> Apache -> http -> tomcat


1- Single enchiptation fast server response.

cons (at least fo security):

1- none

I may be wrong plesa verify in the mailing list archive

Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
question, does it work? or does it always send requests to 8080, for both http and https?

for your SSL, you can/need to add in your httpd client certificate, ie, the certificate to use when contacting Tomcat for SSL

<VirtualHost *:443>
  SSLProxyEngine On
  ProxyPass / https://localhost:8443/
  ProxyPassReverse / https://localhost:8443/
  # Put your Proxy SSL Certificate directives here


Roger wrote:
Hi there!

I have some questions about how to setup Apache and Tomcat with SSL
support. Currently I have the following setup:

- Windows 2003
- Tomcat 6.0.13
- Apache 2.0.59 with
 - openssl 0.9.7j
 - mod_ssl
 - mod_proxy
 - mod_rewrite (not used)

I have generated keys that work with Apache. So I can open a page like
https://localhost/. I've tried to use mod_proxy to redirect all
traffic to Tomcat, which works for http and https, using the following

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
   Include conf/ssl.conf

ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/

<VirtualHost *:443>
   SSLProxyEngine On
   ProxyPass https://localhost:443/ https://localhost:8443/
   ProxyPassReverse https://localhost:443/ https://localhost:8443/

I have the following questions:

1) Is this a normal setup? Anything that could cause a problem?
2) I want to be able to route traffic for one webapp to https, not
allowing it to be used via http. I don't care if this is done using
mod_rewrite or mod_proxy or anything else.

All suggestions are appreciated!



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