I would appreciate some clarifications/advice on this How-To..
It appears that the instruction to add (paths corrected)
<Context path="/manager" privileged="true"
is wrong (based on message from Charles Caldarale on 5/16/2007)
So.. in reading the rest of the instructions I'm finding things are not
quite working as documented.
Searched this list and google and so far have not come up with any answers:
1) Is the instruction that you add a manager.xml to each
..folder required? (I assume the path should be corrected since there
is no longer any "server" directory structure.)
.. at this point it does not seem to matter.. but I would like access to
virtual hosts..
2) So I can access the localhost manager at:
but can not access the host-manager at:
..I get a 403 (I did try adding a host-manager role to the
tomcat-user.xml , but no joy)
Is there something that has not been documented as yet to configure
3) I can not access a virtual host Manager at
Thank you for any hints or advice..
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