
I am adding some additional functionality to something that someone did who has 
left the company.
He was using Web Macros under tomcat (webapps/application/WEB-INFO: code, 
templates, etc).

He has something called login.html which uses a login.java compiled program to 
set a cookie
(response.addCookie( "UserLevel", "value") ) which adds a cookie called 
UserLevel with a
value retrieved from logging in. His other java code does a 
request.getCookies() and goes through
the cookies to find "UserLevel" from which he then gets the values.

I am adding on in JSP (rather than web macros). I can't really rewrite what he 
did. I have the user
go to his login page and login, and then type the url of my jsp (which is under 
the same application
as the above, but under jsp). My code does the same thing, does getCookies[] 
and looks for "UserLevel".
Problem is, it does not find it. When I do the Edit->Preferences->"Show 
Cookies", UserLevel is there
with the correct value, but all my java jsp code can find is the session ID.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong, or how I can get the recently-added 

I am using firefox.

Directories (under/root/tomcat/webapps/<name_of_application>):

WEB-INF web information
 --Code Java code
 --Classes Compiled Java Code
 --templates web macros
html html files
jsp jsp files


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