Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
> This is a standard class that comes with the Sun JRE. There is no need
> for any additional JAR files.
> I would advise the OP to check online for how to connect Java to Access
> in general before adding Tomcat into the mix. Using MS Access requires
> you to setup an ODBC DataSource in Windows. Have you done that? Is it
> called "Auth"? The connection URL was "jdbc:odbc:Auth", so it should be.

Yes, sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver is in the Java distrubition rt.jar, and I
did not think it had to be added to Tomcat/common/lib, but I tried it
anyhow.  It had no effect.

Yes, I did set up and configure a DSN, named Auth, in the ODBC Data source
administrator.  I can connect to Auth via JDBC-ODBC from a stand alone Java
Application I wrote.  I am able to access Auth it and display its tables.  I
did state this in my original message.

The ODBC data source is definitely working, but I cannot get Tomcat to
connect to it.  The driver sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver is definitely
working because I use it in my stand alone Java application to connect to
Auth and display its tables.

I do not seem to be able to get Tomcat to connect to any ODBC data source. 
The ODBC administrator has a trace function.  When I access Auth from my
stand alone Java App, it generates a bunch of log entries in the ODBC log. 
When I start Tomcat, and try to open a secured document, zero entries are
generated in the ODBC log.  It is as if Tomcat does not know ODBC exists.

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
> I've never used Access with Java (or by itself, for that matter), but
> I've seen connection URLs like this, too:
> "jdbc:odbc:;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);
>                               DBQ=D:\\path_to_db\db.mdb;PWD=mypass"
> This appears to define it's own data source instead of requiring you to
> create one in the control panel.

The server.xml Realm entry which I used (below) was copied directly from the
original server.xml supplied with Tomcat, where it was commented out.  I
commented out the Realm entry which directs Tomcat to use the
tomcat-users.xml file for authentication.  All I did was change
"jdbc:odbc:CATALINA" to "jdbc:odbc:Auth", and edit the names of the tables
and columns to reflect my actual MSAccess database.

<Realm  className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"
        userTable="User" userNameCol="UserName" userCredCol="Password"
        userRoleTable="User_Role" roleNameCol="RoleName" />

Do I need to make some other entry in server.xml?  Do I need to make an
entry in some other configuration file?

Thanks for any additional hints you can provide.

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