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Susan Richards wrote:
> First, I just want to say that I sure appreciate all the help I am
> getting on this list and I don't deserve to even associate with
> highly intelligent beings such as yourselves.

Seriously, don't say that. :(

> We shutdown and restart our tomcat 5.5.23 server nightly.  Initially,
> a maintenance page for system backup gets copied and then it gets
> bounced with the shutdown.sh and startup.sh scripts.  Since we
> upgraded last Friday, it's not always starting up.  I see this
> message in the log:
> SEVERE: Error initializing endpoint java.net.BindException: Address
> already in use (errno:226):80

Don't forget that shutdown.sh only sends a shutdown notification to
Tomcat -- it doesn't wait for the shutdown to complete before the script
ends. So, you can't just do "shutdown.sh" followed by "startup.sh" and
expect a clean server bounce.

The quick fix is to introduce some delay between the shutdown and
startup. The problem is, it might not take a predictable amount of time
to shutdown, so you can't just guess at 5 seconds and leave it at that.

The best thing to do would be to watch catalina.out for the "shutdown"
message that Tomcat emits as it goes down, and /then/ call startup.sh.
Honestly, if you're already comfortable bouncing Tomcat every night, you
can probably just introduce an arbitrary delay between invoking scripts
and be fine.

Just out of curiosity, why do you bounce Tomcat every night?

- -chris
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