Well I am a new developer (I was still in college when I began helping with this project) My boss told me the client would like to use .NET, and I got kind of excited because I haven't worked with .NET/ASP/C# for quite a bit, and I love the compiler, but he talked the client out of it (the client is personally known [can't really say friend as they don't get along too well] by my boss). When I say limitations arise, I meant that quite possibly even .NET could even have some types of issues with huge uploads, so I guess what I was saying is that 'limitations sometimes come with software programming, and thus just because we chose Java instead of .NET didn't mean .NET couldn't have had its own issues'.

Servlets are never reached in the web application, only the filters are hit. Servlet calls seem to be getting skipped.

Christopher Schultz wrote:
Hash: SHA1


David Hesson wrote:
I have installed 6.0.14 now and the same problem persists.  I am
starting to worry about our choice to use Java for this web application
project now...

I know for a fact that Tomcat 5.5 can accept bigger-than-2GB uploads.
There must be something else going on, as evidenced by the fact that
your code isn't being called.

Can you toss-out your JSPs and try a vanilla servlet? Just something
that can dump out the headers and maybe spit out progress to a log file
for how many bytes it's receiving? Just print something like "got
another 10MB everytime you hit 10MB.

the client insisted that we used .NET framework or
'Microsoft' products if you will, but limitations [arose].

Just 'cause I'm curious: what were those limitations? It's pretty ballsy
to ignore a semi-major customer requirement like that.

- -chris

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David Hesson
Software Engineer
NuRelm, Inc.

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