Peter Stavrinides a écrit :

If you set up Tomcat correctly, and place all your jars in the correct places you can hot deploy the war without a restart. This works over plain http, you don't even need access to the server, all you need is a password for the manager (it's better to use a database realm).

There are many ways to secure the manager in production, the simplest is to remove the manager.xml and host-manager.xml files from the $CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost/ directory, or if your configuration permits allow the manager url to resolve only on the internal network, this is a typical scenario if tomcat is left to run on a secure port.

If you do that and want to use the manager again, you should replace those files ?
If so, I'll be really annoying to do that.

For my part, I did a deployment shell to do all the gregor's action (because my servers are on DMZ).

Last thing, the less applications are deployed the faster the server is.
That is also why I don't use the manager.


is to make the manager URL resolve

Gregor Schneider wrote:
- *never* start tomcat as root: create a user "tomcat" if not already
existing and run tomcat with that user-id

- if it's not a production-server with very high security, grant
ftp-access to user "tomcat"

- from your local pc, ftp to your ubuntu, login as user "tomcat"

- change to directory "www/webapps"

- put your web-app.war

that's it

be sure that autodeploy is set to true. having done so, there's no
need to delete any directories on your ubuntu-server



ps: before starting tomcat as user tomcat, you might have to issue

chown -R tomcat:tomcat * in $CATALINA_HOME

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