
I'm working on a CENTOS 5 Linux setup.
I'm trying to avoid the pre-loaded tomcat which was installed in /usr/share/tomcat5. I downloaded (from apache) and installed tomcat5.5.25 and installed it in /opt/tomcat5. I made sure the existing tomcat is not running and I renamed /usr/share/tomcat5.

I start it (the new tomcat) with /opt/tomcat5/bin/startup.sh and it runs fine:
Tomcat manager runs and I can start/stop the built-in apps.

I have an app which I developed using tomcat5.5.9 on Windows, and I am trying to
transfer it to this Linux setting.

I placed my exploded app in webapps. The app wants to use a Mysql database named sb_data. The same database as on Windows has been replicated in Mysql in the Linux setup.
I have the following context.xml in my META-INF folder:

   <Context path="/myapp" docBase="myapp"
                     debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
      <Resource name="jdbc/sb_data" auth="Container"
                maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"
                username="sb_normal" password="********"

My application has a registered AppListener in which I establish the DataSource in the contextInitialized method and use it to do some initial work with the database:

       System.out.println("MyApp AppListener: ENTER");
       Context envCtx = (Context) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env");

       String key = "jdbc" + "/" + "sb_data";
       DataSource ds = (DataSource)envCtx.lookup(key);
       if (ds != null ){
       ...CALL to DAOBaseData.getConnection();  HERE
       System.out.println("MyApp AppListener: EXIT");

The code for getConnection() looks like this:

       public Connection getConnection() throws DAOException
           Connection connection = null;
           if (datasource!= null) {
               try {
                   connection = datasource.getConnection();
               } catch (SQLException e) {
                     //TODO: Log this
                     String message = e.getMessage();
                     System.out.println("DAOBaseData: "+message);
                     throw new DAOException(message);
           System.out.println("Connection[data] allocated: #="+connCount);
           return connection;

This works ok on Windows, but in the Linux setting I get the following error in
the catalina.out log:

       MyApp AppListener: ENTER
       DAOBaseData: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
       com.myapp Error: Cannot load JDBC driver class
       MyApp AppListener: EXIT

I'm using the mysql-connector-java-3.1.14-bin.jar and it is present in WEB-INF/lib. I tried copying it to /opt/tomcat5/common/lib , but I still get the same error.

I'm confused. Why does tomcat on Windows find the JDBC driver, but not find it on Linux?

Thanks in advance,
Ken Bowen

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