I am looking for information on how to debug a problem. Any pointers to documentation, suggestions of approaches etc. would be much appreciated.

I am having a problem with my tomcat server periodically going into a state where it is using up all the available cpu and providing very slow response. None of the jsp or servlets on the site should take up a lot of cpu, they all just do relatively simple database queries and produce simple html pages from the results. During the times when the cpu is busy the database will generally not be under any significant load.

Top shows process 324 (0x144) as the busy process, and ps shows it having consumed a lot of cpu:
 324 ?        S    837:41 /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_10/bin/java -Djava...

Expecting to find that I had some error in my webapp I did a few thread dumps, but assuming that nid in the thread dump corresponds to pid from ps I found that the process that was spinning was "VM Thread":

"VM Thread" prio=1 tid=0x08098a48 nid=0x144 runnable

The thread dump does not give any additional information about this thread. I presume it is the Virtual Machine itself.

If I look at the system status using the Tomcat manager webapp there are often requests listed with ridiculously large values in the Time column, several hundred seconds for jsp pages that only take a fraction of a second to generate, and I can cut an paste the request into my browser and the request will finish in a fraction of a second.

Sometimes it seems that reloading some of the webapps can "fix" the problem, at least for a while - I don't know for sure, it could be coincidence, but if I don't do anything the problem can persist for long periods of time and then go away after a few webapp reloads. I have tried to detect a pattern about which app reload solves the problem but it seems to be different different times. vmstat doesn't show the machine as thrashing or using much IO (everything basically fits into physical memory). The only thing I can think of is that the VM is going into a marathon garbage collection phase, but I don't know how to test that hypothesis, and it seems odd that even that could go on for lengthy periods of time.


JVM: jdk1.5.0_10
Tomcat: apache-tomcat-6.0.13
uname -a: Linux [hostname here] 2.4.34-grsec #27 SMP Mon Jan 22 21:19:29 CST 2007 i686 unknown

The system is a two cpu system with 4GB RAM, and when not in this spinning state it handles its load with 10-15% cpu load.

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