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Mitesh Shah wrote:
> Thanks Chris for reply. Clarion is SAN, so all are data and OS partitions
> are on SAN.

Okay. That shouldn't be a problem.

> Whole server works fine but our application works using tomcat and I have
> installed around 20 instances of tomcats on one virtual machine (2.66GHz and
> 4GB RAM).

OMG that is a /lot/ of Tomcat instances. How many request-handler
threads do you have configured for each?

> On similar line, does JDK takes advantage of two CPU compared to
> one CPU?

You didn't say what JDK version you are using, but unless you have
something that is seriously out of date, the JDK will use as many CPUs
as you have available to the VM.

> I can reconfigure Swap file on separate disks than OS disk and see if it
> performs better.

With 20 JVMs running on a 4GB machine, I'd say that swapping is going to
be a huge problem. Try running a single instance to see how it works
out. If that is reasonably fast, then try adding more instances until it
starts to suck. Then, check your swap file usage and I'll bet you'll see
that at some point, you start to heavily swap. You're not seeing Tomcat
hosing... you're seeing your OS thrashing.

- -chris

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