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Daniel M Garland wrote:
> stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -1393554805485899996,
> local class serialVersionUID = 8444624889687850885

Hmm... those numbers are /totally/ off. I was hoping for some kind of
jumbling of hex values for the two numbers, but it's a total miss. :(

Are you saying that for any class (someSerializableClass) you have an
explicit serialVersionUID (set to 8444...) and it looks like the JVM is
loading an object requesting a different serial version id? That's no
good :(

> 1) I've compiled the java files on the server's themselves, so I am sure
> that the correct class versions are being used

That shouldn't have changed anything, but it's not a terrible idea.
Ideally, you'll get the same bytecode. Since you're setting the
serialVersionUID yourself, the compiler will not compute one for you.

Is Eclipse re-setting the serialVersionUID for each compile, or do you
have one explicitly set in your code? (Meaning, does the
serialVersionUID ever change?)

> 3) I have the same code running on both the Tomcat servers.

Are you sure? Try checking md5sum or sha1sum for the classes in
question. Object serialization should not depend upon the architecture
(that's the whole point), so switching from a 32-bit machine to a 64-bit
one should not have changed anything.

Even if you left one of the old boxes up and running, it should be able
to participate in the cluster without any problems at all.

- -chris
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