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Now Tomcat is also a cool application server
----- Original Message ----- From: "minky arora" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 5:25 PM
Subject: Weblogic VS. Tomcat

Hi List,

I need some advice regarding Tomcat Vs. Weblogic.

I am building a  website that has an Oracle DB as a back end.I am
running scripts on the DB and displaying the results on the
website.Users can log in and query the DB as well to get the desired
results which could be info about anything in the DB.

My question is: Do I require a server side Datasource for this? FIrst
of all, I am not sure what this means.For my organization,only
Weblogic has external access as Ive been told.SO if I do not need
server side Datasource and connection pooling, I can go with Tomcat.

I am very new to J2EE.could you please tell me a bit more about server
side datasource:what it is and examples of how it is used.Do you think
my application needs one??

If you google for Servlet versus Application Server, you will see many other people ask the question and you'll get the views of both camps. If you making a web site, you really dont need more than a Servlet container. Tomcat will let you set up a Datasource with connection pooling, in fact every container allows for that. I think its more about where you want to store the biz logic. People that havnt learnt the MVC model and that work mainly from JSP pages will tend to go for something like struts, or an application server for the biz logic. They use another framework for the biz logic. People that understand the MVC model will use servlets and JSP and make their own biz logic beans in the servlet container... that to me seems to be the tendency.

I believe that for a web site a well designed web-app which houses the biz logic is faster and easier to understand, and easier to maintain, than redirecting requests to EJB's in another container, but it does depend very much on the context of the project. If for example there are also desktop apps that use that same biz logic, then the tendency will be to go for application server... ie the web server is a client and the desktops apps are a client to the EJB's.

EJB (Application servers) like GlassFish, Geronimo, Weblogic, Spring, JBoss are complex technologies with a large learning curve and will require a great deal of effort on your part, they are also all different. Servlet based web solutions are easier to learn, and much more portable. If its a web solution... I would tend to say to you, keep it as simple as possible... but then again EJB on your CV may look nice as well ;) If its a critical job... I would tend to say, keep it a pure web based solution, because as a newbie the complexity of EJB may bite you. Tomcat is inside most of these other containers, so if it ever has to go EJB... conversion wont be too bad, but moving from say a Spring type solution to a Glassfish type solution would require a major effort. Keep it simple if you can..... the more I play with these technologies the more I think that the ability to make simple solutions is the most desirable characteristic on any cv. Only people that really understand the technologies can keep it simple... simple is a skill.

I would suggest you google for Tomcat and the MVC model... and then read as much about EJB as you can. You will start to see the overlap. In TC its very much more a traditional application, in EJB its very much a bean that needs to be controlled through IOC, (xml) configuration. That means in TC things like persisting beans to a dB is still very much an option, in EJB its almost a necessity because of the different architecture.
EJB is a massive learning curve... good luck.

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