On Oct 30, 2007 5:14 AM, Milanez, Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you using antiJARLocking="true" and antiResourcesLocking="true" in
> your context.xml file? Whenever I drop new JSP files *without* these
> options set to "false", they work fine, but if I do that when these
> options are set to "true", they simply can't be found...

No, never needed them...

Quoting the doc on `antiResourceLocking` --

     Please note that setting this to true has some side effects, including
     the disabling of JSP reloading in a running server: see Bugzilla 37668.

If you haven't read the docs on the implications of that and also
antiJARLocking, mmm, you probably should :-)

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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