> But the application allows creating new group,how do I solve this problem?> > 
> What problem? You need to say what the problem is if we are going to be> able 
> to help.
Only the member of group "administrators" have access to the adminitrative 
page,and other groups,like "groupA","groupB",... the member of which only have 
rights to login to the common page.so in the web.xml,I configure like the 
 <security-constraint>    <web-resource-collection>      
<url-pattern>/admin</url-pattern>    </web-resource-collection>    
<auth-constraint>       <role-name>Administrators</role-name>    
</auth-constraint> </security-constraint> <security-constraint>    
<web-resource-collection>      <web-resource-name>all</web-resource-name>       
   <url-pattern>/common</url-pattern>    </web-resource-collection>    
<auth-constraint>       <role-name>??????</role-name>    </auth-constraint> 
 <login-config>  <auth-method>DIGEST</auth-method>  
<realm-name>JDBCRealm</realm-name> </login-config>
How should I configure the "??????" part? and further more,It has a inherency 
relationship between groups, If "Administrators" group contains "groupA",then 
the members of "groupA" have the administrative privilege,too. That means a 
group's member can be either a group or a user.In the former situation,It does 
a tree-search to check whether a user belongs to the "Administrators" 
group,now,if I use a configuration file,how did I do this check?
Thanks a lot. Your advice has already give me very good instructions.
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