Not being able to find the class may mean that it can't find the jar
file and it may mean that it can find the jar file but the package and
or directory is not done right.  The read/write permission on the jar
file is 777, so I know that it can read the jar file if it can find it. 

The applet specified here appears in the web browser just fine.  The
applet tries to access the BuildSchedule class in response to a menu
item and the exception is not thrown until then.

The applet tag is 

        <applet codebase="." code="applet/DDSMenu.class"
                width=600 height=300></applet>

The jar file is located in .../webapps/schedule.jar, which is where the
applet directory in the cod parameter is.

The jar file is built from the same directory using this command:
        jar cvf schedule.jar applet/schedule/*.class

The message is 

        Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-7"
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: applet/schedule/BuildSchedule
        <stack trace>

Ivan Mann

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