Bob Riaz wrote:
Many thanks for all the suggestions. I found a simple tool called StackTrace from to help me take thread dumps from Tomcat. 
I found when the CPU load was high that there was a thread from the suspect web app 
running. In contrast, thread dumps taken when CPU load was normal showed no such threads. 
The line that the web app thread was running at is a simple - data += "\n"; - 
this is in a loop collecting form data from hidden vars created by JavaScript code. It's 
been suggested by ny colleagues that the JVM could be running out of memory since a new 
String object is created for each +=. The String data ends up being very long anyway. Any 
thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Instead of using a string, use a StringBuffer and .append() to it, then when done building, the final string is just StringBuffer.toString(); It's much faster than appending directly to a string.

Also, would anyone know how to monitor Tomcat's I/O activities? I understand 
that thrashing could be a drain on memory resources.
Thanks again for everybody's help!


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:21 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: [OT] Tomcat causing high CPU load

Hash: SHA1


Charlie Wingate wrote:
There is a kill.exe (older version in resource kits) and a newer
taskkill.exe included with XP [onward]

Note that taskkill.exe and UNIX kill are completely different. taskkill
actually kills tasks, while the UNIX kill sends signals to processes.

but neither of them will provide a
stack dump/trace.

That is because of the lack of signaling ability of taskkill.exe.

Although they are very useful as tools and "parts".

Definitely. I had no idea this program existed. My experience with MS
Windows is that programs kill themselves frequently enough that I
probably will continue to never need this tool ;)

- -chris

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