Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Jim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: PermGen Out of memory exception

PermGen space, on the other hand, doesn't get garbage collected

As Peter C indicated, this is utter BS.  Why do people keep propagating
this fallacy?  Easier to blame the JVM than take responsibility for bugs
in your own code?
Cool, thanks a lot for the clarification, and sorry about that. So there's nothing in the JVM or Tomcat (possible unknown/unfixed bugs notwithstanding) that precludes PermGen space from being recovered via garbage collection when undeploying an application? It's necessarily a leak in the application or one of the libraries/frameworks it uses?

To address your rhetorical question :) , this issue is a mess to research. This industry being what it is, it can be intimidating to be pointed at a 21 page Sun white paper when users are screaming because the application is down; it certainly makes it hard for me to defend the learning curve of using Java-based open source approaches when that's the suggested avenue. People are obviously going to look for the quick answers first: Tomcat's FAQ ( suggests too many servlets/JSPs for the PermGen issue. I use frameworks rather than servlets/JSPs directly, but when I go to the forums/bugs for those frameworks, they're usually blaming each other, or Tomcat, or the JVM. Turning, then, to a couple examples from Google: - Google "tomcat permgen" and get, which suggests upgrading Tomcat, or switching to JRockit, or upgrading the JVM. - Google "permgen error", and get, which says: "And finally, the permanent generation. This is for objects that the virtual machine has decided to endorse with eternal life - which is precicely the core of the problem. Objects in the permanent generation are never garbage collected; that is, under /normal/ circumstances when the jvm is started with /normal/ command line parameters."

It's hard not to take that last snippet at face value, for example, when a blank application with a framework stack leaks on reload, and all said frameworks claim to be leak-free. It's also called /Perm/Gen. The fallacy's just not obvious, and there's no simple authority on this common issue.

Perhaps the Tomcat FAQ on memory-issues could be fleshed out/updated? With so many blogs, forum posts, and bug-report-discussion-threads suggesting that it's normal to expect an unbounded PermGen increase when reloading/redeploying applications, an explicit contrary statement in the FAQ would be helpful, if even to clarify for users that yes, they /should/ bother doing their own memory-profiling on this issue, because there /is/ a problem with some code they're using, whether it's theirs or another party's. The PermGen discussion in the FAQ should be expanded to include the now-common case of PermGen running out not because of servlets/JSPs but because of Hibernate's heavy PermGen usage, or because some other third party is precluding classloader garbage collection on reload/redeploy (which would be a great place for the link to Spring's compilation of leak issues with third-party libraries).


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