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Now Tomcat is also a cool pojo application server
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jacob Rhoden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 1:40 PM
Subject: Tomcat vs (other container) compatibility


Just wondering if there is anyone who has been or is involved in cross JEE container work, how compatible are tomcat apps with other commercial apps such as OC4J, Websphere, BEA and so on? If you don't use tomcat specific things, does it "just work", I ask because the compatibility issue might come up at work.

Heres an article from IBM site

I have put quite a few TC servlets onto Glassfish... no problem.

I think in general you will find very little problems moving Tomcat (A Servlet Container) to one of the above (EJB containers).
Both J2EE but they "different" animals.

Tomcat webapps generally migrate easily to most servers because they all "stole" tomcat to begin with ;) .... inside most of this EJB containers you will find something that looks very much like Tomcat.

So in general no problem...

But amongst EJB servers this is not true... ie if you want to move from say WebSphere to Jboss, or Spring or Glassfish... then suicide is a very real possibility ;) Tomcat is actually one of the few common denominators between these servers.... once you have applied EJB tools, then portability is an issue.

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