Hello , 

does Tomcat -apache contains http server  bundled in or Do I have to 
install  apache-tomcat and http server separately ? I can browse the 
default web page when I started apache-tomcat server ,but could`nt locate 
the httpd.conf file . So downloaded http server . Can someone clarify the 
differences between apache-tomcat for me ?  I`m newbee to it . Thanks .

I have downloaded both :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /mnt/apache-tomcat]: ls -lrt
total 51200
-rw-r-----   1 root     system     10731520 Oct 25 09:43 
-rw-r-----   1 root     system      5888526 Nov 17 16:54 
-rw-r-----   1 root     system      9579283 Nov 17 16:55 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /mnt/apache-tomcat]:

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