Hi again :

  I've read the URLs about DBCP configuration. Then, I've set up DBCP
for my connection pool. I've added a validation query and I've set
testOnBorrow="true". I've tried again and I've achieved the same
strange behaviour : after about and hour of inactivity, it waits
forever in the 3th line. No errors reported in the Tomcat logs.

  Any idea of what's happening or what can I do to know what's
happening?. Thanks in advance.


2007/11/29, albert quinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Hi once more time :
>  Thanks again for your help. Sorry, I didn't know the connections
> aren't really closed. I've to leave now, but I'll read the URLs you
> gave me tomorrow and then, I'll try to set up DHCP properly.
>  Thanks a lot. I'll come back if I get any kind of new information
> about the mistery.
> Albert
> 2007/11/29, Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > albert quinn wrote:
> > >   Hi again, Mark :
> > >
> > >   I've benn thinking about the problem and I don't really think it
> > > could be a problem with database connection timeout due to inactivity
> > > because when the web service is called, the web service gets a
> > > connection from the pool, it uses the connection, and then it closes
> > > the connection before returning the web service results. So, it
> > > mustn't be a problem with database connection timeout due to
> > > inactivity, don't you think?
> >
> > No. I disagree with your analysis. The point of DBCP is that the
> > connections aren't closed. When you call close() in your code that just
> > returns the connection to the pool. The actual database connection remains
> > open.
> >
> > The URL you want is:
> > http://commons.apache.org/dbcp/configuration.html
> >
> > The starting point for DBCP is
> > http://commons.apache.org/dbcp/
> >
> > Mark
> >
> >
> >
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