Richard Dunne schrieb:
> I have added this to my http.conf 
> LoadModule jk_module modules/
> JkWorkersFile /
> JkLogFile C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 
> 6.0/logs/mod_jk.log 
> JkLogLevel debug
> Alias /examples C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 
> 6.0/webapps/examples
> JkMount /examples/servlet/* testWorker 
> JkMount /examples/*.jsp testWorker
> <location "/examples/web-inf/">
> AllowOverride None 
> deny from all 
> </location>
> The problem is the directory for my workers file is 
> c:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 6.0/conf
> Error message: JKWorkersFile take one arguement.
> It seems as though its only read as far as /Apache due to the space between 
> Apache and Software.  Is this correct?
> Richard.

Yes. I expect it would work with quotation marks ("...") around the full
path. The same problem will show up with all pathes with spaces in them,
so you need to quote all of them. If you don't like that (I wouldn't),
choose paths without spaces.

BTW: in the above config snippet, your JkWorkersFile is simply
/, no directory given. I assume, after you got the
error message you cited, you tried to remove the directory from the
JkWorkersFile value.

JkWorkersFile and JkLogFile are able to deal with relative directory
names. They will be relative to the so called ServerRoot of Apache
httpd, which in your case likely is C:/Program Files/Apache Software

So if you could live with a jk log in C:/Program Files/Apache Software
Foundation/Apache2.2/logs/mod_jk.log you could simply use

JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log

Also you can put your into C:/Program Files/Apache
Software Foundation/conf/ and then use

JkWorkersFile conf/

Finally: Don't use

Alias /examples C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat

Usually tehere's no need to (except you want some file under Alias
/examples C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat
6.0/webapps/examples be served directly from Apache and not via Tomcat).
So you could simply do:

JkMount /examples testWorker
JkMount /examples/* testWorker

and leave out the Alias and the location block.



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