David Segall wrote:
I have, after hours of trial and error, managed to persuade Tomcat to
use my custom error page in a Java Server Faces application. Now that I have solved the problem I would like to know where I could have looked to find the answer.

In case someone finds this page via a web search I should provide the
answer here. I had to add the following lines to %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\MyApp\WEB-INF\web.xml


The initial "/" was required in the location despite the fact that the NetBeans Visual Web Pack generated <welcome-file> tag did not have a leading "/". Would I have solved this problem more quickly if I was not using NetBeans as a "rapid application development" tool?

The j2ee specification or web.xml dtd or xsd would have told you that information. This doesn't really have anything to do with JSF specifically.

> The initial "/"
Yeah they could have been a little more consistent.

Would you have solved the problem more quickly? Not likely. Netbeans isn't a RAD tool. It's an IDE (integrated development environment). RAD is more a way of working rather than the tools you're using. At least initially you're better off using one IDE consistently rather than jumping ships everytime you have a problem. Once you get comfortable developing in one, then I would recommend you try two or more other IDE's to see how they do things differently. And flat out learn how to do what you're doing with a plain text editor. You'll understand what's actually going on in the IDE better.

Further Reading:

This documents well (in english) what each of the elements in the web.xml are for.

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