Anyone else experiencing comet timeout problems with the nio connector
and the latest 6.0.x trunk?

My cometEvent.setTimeout(...) setting is ignored, but I do receive
comet timeouts based on the connectionTimeout setting for the nio
connector.  Setting the connectionTimeout to 10 secs gives me a comet
timeout event every 10 secs.  Setting it to 2 mins gives a comet
timeout every 2 mins.

The docs don't mention any link between the connectionTimeout settings
and comet timeout events that I can find.

Connector config:
    <Connector port="80"
protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" maxThreads="500"
connectionTimeout="10000" keepAliveTimeout="30000"
maxKeepAliveRequests="-1" socket.soKeepAlive="true"
socket.appReadBufSize="2048" socket.appWriteBufSize="2048"
socket.rxBufSize="2048" socket.txBufSize="2048"
acceptorThreadCount="2" redirectPort="8443" />

On Jan 9, 2008 12:23 PM, Peter Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using the nio connector from the latest 6.0.x trunk, I'm failing to
> receive any comet timeouts.  I set the comet timeout to 5 secs but,
> after waiting much longer than 5 secs, the only two events I receive
> are begin and read.
> event: BEGIN, subtype: null
>         for servlet: com.seekspeak.server.debug.CometTestServlet
>         time: Wed Jan 09 12:12:28 PST 2008
>         on cometEvent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         with "org.apache.tomcat.comet.timeout" attribute: null
>         with "" attribute: true
> event: READ, subtype: null
>         for servlet: com.seekspeak.server.debug.CometTestServlet
>         time: Wed Jan 09 12:12:28 PST 2008
>         on cometEvent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         with "org.apache.tomcat.comet.timeout" attribute: 5000
>         with "" attribute: true
> I see that the Http11NioProcessor changed some comet timeout specific
> code from the previous rev.  Could this be having an impact?
> Below is my test client and test servlet.  Am I doing something wrong?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> ---------------
> public class CometTestServlet extends HttpServlet implements CometProcessor {
>     public void event(CometEvent cometEvent) throws IOException,
> ServletException {
>         System.out.println("event: " + cometEvent.getEventType() + ",
> subtype: " + cometEvent.getEventSubType());
>         System.out.println("\tfor servlet: " + this.getClass().getName());
>         System.out.println("\ttime: " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
>         System.out.println("\ton cometEvent: " + cometEvent);
>         System.out.println("\twith \"org.apache.tomcat.comet.timeout\"
> attribute: "
>                 +
> cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest().getAttribute("org.apache.tomcat.comet.timeout"));
>         System.out.println("\twith
> \"\" attribute: "
>                 +
> cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest().getAttribute(""));
>         if (cometEvent.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {
>             cometEvent.setTimeout(5 * 1000);
>         } else if (cometEvent.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.ERROR) {
>             cometEvent.close();
>         } else if (cometEvent.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.END) {
>             cometEvent.close();
>         } else if (cometEvent.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.READ) {
>             handleReadEvent(cometEvent);
>         }
>     }
>     private void handleReadEvent(CometEvent cometEvent) throws
> IOException, ServletException {
>         ServerCometChannel talker = new ServerCometChannel(cometEvent);
>         respond(talker);
>     }
>     private void respond(ServerCometChannel channel) throws IOException {
>         String clientMessage = channel.receive();
>         if (clientMessage != null && clientMessage.length() > 0) {
>             channel.send("comet succeeded");
>         }
>     }
>     private class ServerCometChannel {
>         private static final int OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
>         private CometEvent cometEvent;
>         private InputStream inputStream;
>         private PrintWriter outputWriter;
>         public ServerCometChannel(CometEvent cometEvent) throws
> IOException, ServletException {
>             this.cometEvent = cometEvent;
>             inputStream = cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest().getInputStream();
>             OutputStream outputStream =
> cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse().getOutputStream();
>             this.outputWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new
> OutputStreamWriter(outputStream),
>                     OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE));
>         }
>         private String receive() throws IOException {
>             StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
>             byte[] buf = new byte[512];
>             while (inputStream.available() > 0) {
>                 int n =;
>                 if (n > 0) {
>                     buffer.append(new String(buf, 0, n));
>                 }
>             }
>             return buffer.toString();
>         }
>         public void send(String msg) {
>             synchronized (cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse()) {
>                 outputWriter.print(msg);
>                 outputWriter.flush();
>                 try {
>                     cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse().flushBuffer();
>                 } catch (IOException ioe) {
>                     ioe.printStackTrace();
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> ----------
> public class CometTest {
>     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>         CometTest test = new CometTest();
>         test.test();
>     }
>     private void test() throws Exception {
>         URL url = new URL("";);
>         CometChannel channel = new CometChannel(url);
>         channel.send("test");
>         String received = channel.receive();
>         System.out.println("received: " + received);
>         Thread.sleep(60 * 60 * 1000);
>     }
>     private class CometChannel {
>         private static final int INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
>         private static final int OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
>         private static final String DELIMITER = "\r\n";
>         private URL url;
>         private BufferedReader inputReader;
>         private PrintWriter outputWriter;
>         private Socket socket;
>         private boolean firstRead = true;
>         public CometChannel(URL url) throws IOException {
>             this.url = url;
>             initConnection();
>         }
>         private void initSocket() throws IOException {
>             int port = url.getPort();
>             port = (port < 0) ? url.getDefaultPort() : port;
>             try {
>                 socket = new Socket(url.getHost(), port);
>                 socket.setKeepAlive(true);
>                 inputReader = new BufferedReader(new
> InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()), INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
>                 outputWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new
> OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream()),
>                         OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE));
>             } catch (NoRouteToHostException nrthe) {
>                 System.out.println("host: " + url.getHost());
>                 nrthe.printStackTrace();
>             }
>         }
>         private void initConnection() throws IOException {
>             initSocket();
>             sendHeaders();
>         }
>         private void sendHeaders() {
>             String path = url.getPath();
>             StringBuffer outputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
>             outputBuffer.append("POST " + path + " HTTP/1.1" + DELIMITER);
>             outputBuffer.append("Host: " + url.getHost() + DELIMITER);
>             outputBuffer.append("User-Agent: CometTestApplet" + DELIMITER);
>             outputBuffer.append("Connection: keep-alive" + DELIMITER);
>             outputBuffer.append("Content-Type: text/plain" + DELIMITER);
>             outputBuffer.append("Transfer-Encoding: chunked" + DELIMITER);
>             outputBuffer.append(DELIMITER);
>             synchronized (outputWriter) {
>                 outputWriter.print(outputBuffer.toString());
>             }
>         }
>         public void send(String chunkData) throws IOException {
>             String hexChunkLength = Integer.toHexString(chunkData.length());
>             StringBuffer outputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
>             outputBuffer.append(hexChunkLength);
>             outputBuffer.append(DELIMITER);
>             outputBuffer.append(chunkData);
>             outputBuffer.append(DELIMITER);
>             synchronized (outputWriter) {
>                 outputWriter.print(outputBuffer.toString());
>                 outputWriter.flush();
>             }
>         }
>         private String readChunk() throws IOException {
>             StringBuffer inputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
>             String hexChunkSize = inputReader.readLine();
>             System.out.println("chunk size: " + hexChunkSize);
>             if (hexChunkSize != null) {
>                 int chunkSize = Integer.parseInt(hexChunkSize, 16);
>                 int charsRead = 0;
>                 char[] buf = new char[chunkSize];
>                 do {
>                     int n =;
>                     charsRead += n;
>                     if (n > 0) {
>                         inputBuffer.append(new String(buf, 0, n));
>                     } else if (n < 0) {
>                         // occurs when connection is closed, often in response
>                         // to http session timeout from server
>                         throw new IOException("no bytes read");
>                     }
>                 } while (charsRead < chunkSize);
>                 // extra \r\n sent after chunk - part of protocol
>                 inputReader.readLine();
>             }
>             return inputBuffer.toString();
>         }
>         public String receive() throws IOException {
>             if (firstRead) {
>                 firstRead = false;
>                 readHeaders();
>             }
>             return readChunk();
>         }
>         private void readHeaders() throws IOException {
>             String header;
>             while ((header = inputReader.readLine()) != null) {
>                 System.out.println("header: " + header);
>                 if (header.length() == 0) {
>                     break;
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> On Jan 7, 2008 4:43 PM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The time when it is called without a subtype, is if the
> > application(servlet) has an unhandled exception
> >
> > in terms of timeout, that should work just dandy, unless the client
> > disconnects, at which point at which point you might get a subtype of
> > depending on the OS
> >
> > Filip
> >
> >
> > Peter Warren wrote:
> > > Using the NIO connector: 
> > > protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol".
> > >
> > > I'll add response.flushBuffer() and see if that helps.
> > >
> > > The tomcat version I was testing against was current with svn as of
> > > last Friday.  I just updated and the only files that are new are:
> > > catalina.policy
> > > STATUS.txt
> > > changelog.xml
> > >
> > > Any ideas about the timeout setting or the comet error event without a 
> > > subtype?
> > >
> > > Thanks for your response!
> > >
> > > Peter
> > >
> > > On Jan 7, 2008 12:44 PM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >> what connector are you using?
> > >> I would try to use response.flushBuffer when you wanna flush it out (ie
> > >> after you've written to and flushed your stream).
> > >>
> > >> also, there have been some bug fixes, that you can get from SVN, or wait
> > >> for 6.0.16 to come out
> > >>
> > >> Filip
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Peter Warren wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> I have some comet questions.  I'm using the tomcat 6.0.x trunk as of
> > >>> last Friday.
> > >>>
> > >>> 1) My comet event timeout setting being honored.  How come?  I set the
> > >>> timeout for 3 hours but a timeout event gets generated every 2
> > >>> minutes.  If I inspect the comet event for which the timeout is
> > >>> triggered, I see a setting for the request attribute of:
> > >>> org.apache.tomcat.comet.timeout=10800000.
> > >>>
> > >>> I set it as follows:
> > >>>
> > >>>     public void event(CometEvent cometEvent) throws IOException,
> > >>> ServletException {
> > >>>       ...
> > >>>         if (cometEvent.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {
> > >>>           // COMET_TIMEOUT = 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000
> > >>>             cometEvent.setTimeout(TimingConstants.COMET_TIMEOUT);
> > >>>
> > >>> Do I need to set something else as well?
> > >>>
> > >>> 2) Occasionally I'm getting a comet event of type ERROR without any
> > >>> subtype (i.e. not TIMEOUT, CLIENT_DISCONNECT, etc.).  What does that
> > >>> indicate?  I don't see any errors in my catalina log.
> > >>>
> > >>> 3) Reading the response from a comet servlet fails for one of my
> > >>> client machines.  I wrote a simple test to check the problem.  This
> > >>> test succeeds for many other users.  For the failing client, the
> > >>> client request is received by the comet servlet, and the servlet's
> > >>> response is written and flushed to the stream.  The client then simply
> > >>> waits indefinitely trying to read the response.  The failing client is
> > >>> a Windows XP machine.  Could anyone shed some light on why this might
> > >>> be happening, or give me some clues as to how to debug?  Could it be a
> > >>> firewall issue on the client end, a router issue on my end?
> > >>>
> > >>> The test is currently up at:  It
> > >>> tests: a http connection to a normal servlet, then a comet connection
> > >>> to a comet servlet using httpurlconnection, then a comet connection to
> > >>> a comet servlet using a socket.  For the failing client, both comet
> > >>> tests fail.
> > >>>
> > >>> Below is some of the test code for the raw socket test.
> > >>>
> > >>> Thanks for any help!
> > >>>
> > >>> Peter
> > >>>
> > >>> CLIENT
> > >>> ------
> > >>>     private void testCometConnection() throws IOException {
> > >>>       ...
> > >>>         URL url = new URL("";);
> > >>>         channel = new CometChannel(url);
> > >>>         Thread testThread = new Thread() {
> > >>>             public void run() {
> > >>>                 try {
> > >>>                     channel.send("test");
> > >>>                     String received = channel.receive();
> > >>>                     ...
> > >>>                     }
> > >>>                 } catch (IOException ioe) {
> > >>>                     ioe.printStackTrace();
> > >>>                 }
> > >>>             }
> > >>>         };
> > >>>         testThread.start();
> > >>>       ...
> > >>>     }
> > >>>
> > >>>     private class CometChannel {
> > >>>
> > >>>         private static final int INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
> > >>>
> > >>>         private static final int OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
> > >>>
> > >>>         private static final String DELIMITER = "\r\n";
> > >>>
> > >>>         private URL url;
> > >>>
> > >>>         private BufferedReader inputReader;
> > >>>
> > >>>         private PrintWriter outputWriter;
> > >>>
> > >>>         private Socket socket;
> > >>>
> > >>>         public CometChannel(URL url) throws IOException {
> > >>>             this.url = url;
> > >>>             initConnection();
> > >>>         }
> > >>>
> > >>>         private void initSocket() throws IOException {
> > >>>             int port = url.getPort();
> > >>>             port = (port < 0) ? url.getDefaultPort() : port;
> > >>>             try {
> > >>>                 socket = new Socket(url.getHost(), port);
> > >>>                 socket.setKeepAlive(true);
> > >>>                 inputReader = new BufferedReader(new
> > >>> InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()), INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
> > >>>                 outputWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new
> > >>> OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream()),
> > >>>                         OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE));
> > >>>             } catch (NoRouteToHostException nrthe) {
> > >>>                 System.out.println("host: " + url.getHost());
> > >>>                 nrthe.printStackTrace();
> > >>>             }
> > >>>         }
> > >>>
> > >>>         private void initConnection() throws IOException {
> > >>>             initSocket();
> > >>>             sendHeaders();
> > >>>         }
> > >>>
> > >>>         private void sendHeaders() {
> > >>>             String path = url.getPath();
> > >>>             StringBuffer outputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append("POST " + path + " HTTP/1.1" + 
> > >>> DELIMITER);
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append("Host: " + url.getHost() + DELIMITER);
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append("User-Agent: CometTestApplet" + 
> > >>> DELIMITER);
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append("Connection: keep-alive" + DELIMITER);
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append("Content-Type: text/plain" + DELIMITER);
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append("Transfer-Encoding: chunked" + 
> > >>> DELIMITER);
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append(DELIMITER);
> > >>>             synchronized (outputWriter) {
> > >>>                 outputWriter.print(outputBuffer.toString());
> > >>>             }
> > >>>         }
> > >>>
> > >>>         public void send(String chunkData) throws IOException {
> > >>>             // chunk length field in hex
> > >>>             String hexChunkLength = 
> > >>> Integer.toHexString(chunkData.length());
> > >>>
> > >>>             StringBuffer outputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append(hexChunkLength);
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append(DELIMITER);
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append(chunkData);
> > >>>             outputBuffer.append(DELIMITER);
> > >>>             synchronized (outputWriter) {
> > >>>                 outputWriter.print(outputBuffer.toString());
> > >>>                 outputWriter.flush();
> > >>>             }
> > >>>         }
> > >>>
> > >>>         private String readChunk() throws IOException {
> > >>>             StringBuffer inputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
> > >>>             String hexChunkSize = inputReader.readLine();
> > >>>             if (hexChunkSize != null) {
> > >>>                 int chunkSize = Integer.parseInt(hexChunkSize, 16);
> > >>>                 int charsRead = 0;
> > >>>
> > >>>                 char[] buf = new char[chunkSize];
> > >>>                 do {
> > >>>                     int n =;
> > >>>                     charsRead += n;
> > >>>                     if (n > 0) {
> > >>>                         inputBuffer.append(new String(buf, 0, n));
> > >>>                     } else if (n < 0) {
> > >>>                         // occurs when connection is closed, often in 
> > >>> response
> > >>>                         // to http session timeout from server
> > >>>                         throw new IOException("no bytes read");
> > >>>                     }
> > >>>                 } while (charsRead < chunkSize);
> > >>>                 // extra \r\n sent after chunk - part of protocol
> > >>>                 inputReader.readLine();
> > >>>             }
> > >>>             return inputBuffer.toString();
> > >>>         }
> > >>>
> > >>>         public String receive() throws IOException {
> > >>>             readHeaders();
> > >>>             return readChunk();
> > >>>         }
> > >>>
> > >>>         private void readHeaders() throws IOException {
> > >>>             String header;
> > >>>             while ((header = inputReader.readLine()) != null) {
> > >>>                 System.out.println("header: " + header);
> > >>>                 if (header.length() == 0) {
> > >>>                     break;
> > >>>                 }
> > >>>             }
> > >>>         }
> > >>>       ...
> > >>>     }
> > >>>
> > >>> SERVER
> > >>> ------
> > >>> public class CometTestServlet extends HttpServlet implements 
> > >>> CometProcessor {
> > >>>     private static final long serialVersionUID = 5472498184127924791L;
> > >>>
> > >>>     public void event(CometEvent cometEvent) throws IOException,
> > >>> ServletException {
> > >>>         HttpServletRequest request = cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest();
> > >>>         HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(true);
> > >>>         if (cometEvent.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {
> > >>>             cometEvent.setTimeout(3 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // 3 hours
> > >>>             // tell the http session not to timeout - will invalidate 
> > >>> it on
> > >>>             // error or end
> > >>>             httpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(-1);
> > >>>         } else if (cometEvent.getEventType() == 
> > >>> CometEvent.EventType.ERROR) {
> > >>>             handleErrorEvent(cometEvent, httpSession);
> > >>>         } else if (cometEvent.getEventType() == 
> > >>> CometEvent.EventType.END) {
> > >>>             close(cometEvent, httpSession);
> > >>>         } else if (cometEvent.getEventType() == 
> > >>> CometEvent.EventType.READ) {
> > >>>             handleReadEvent(cometEvent);
> > >>>         }
> > >>>     }
> > >>>
> > >>>     protected void handleErrorEvent(CometEvent cometEvent, HttpSession
> > >>> httpSession) throws IOException {
> > >>>         if (cometEvent.getEventSubType() != 
> > >>> CometEvent.EventSubType.TIMEOUT) {
> > >>>             close(cometEvent, httpSession);
> > >>>         }
> > >>>     }
> > >>>
> > >>>     private void close(CometEvent cometEvent, HttpSession httpSession)
> > >>> throws IOException {
> > >>>         cometEvent.close();
> > >>>         httpSession.invalidate();
> > >>>     }
> > >>>
> > >>>     private void handleReadEvent(CometEvent cometEvent) throws
> > >>> IOException, ServletException {
> > >>>         ServerCometChannel talker = new ServerCometChannel(cometEvent);
> > >>>         respond(talker);
> > >>>     }
> > >>>
> > >>>     private void respond(ServerCometChannel channel) throws IOException 
> > >>> {
> > >>>         String clientMessage = channel.receive();
> > >>>
> > >>>         if (clientMessage != null && clientMessage.length() > 0) {
> > >>>             channel.send("comet succeeded");
> > >>>         }
> > >>>     }
> > >>>
> > >>>     private class ServerCometChannel {
> > >>>
> > >>>         private static final int OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
> > >>>
> > >>>         private CometEvent cometEvent;
> > >>>
> > >>>         private InputStream inputStream;
> > >>>
> > >>>         private PrintWriter outputWriter;
> > >>>
> > >>>         public ServerCometChannel(CometEvent cometEvent) throws
> > >>> IOException, ServletException {
> > >>>             this.cometEvent = cometEvent;
> > >>>             inputStream = 
> > >>> cometEvent.getHttpServletRequest().getInputStream();
> > >>>             OutputStream outputStream =
> > >>> cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse().getOutputStream();
> > >>>             this.outputWriter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new
> > >>> OutputStreamWriter(outputStream),
> > >>>                     OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE));
> > >>>         }
> > >>>
> > >>>         private String receive() throws IOException {
> > >>>             StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
> > >>>             byte[] buf = new byte[512];
> > >>>             while (inputStream.available() > 0) {
> > >>>                 int n =;
> > >>>                 if (n > 0) {
> > >>>                     buffer.append(new String(buf, 0, n));
> > >>>                 }
> > >>>             }
> > >>>             return buffer.toString();
> > >>>         }
> > >>>
> > >>>         public void send(String msg) {
> > >>>             synchronized (cometEvent.getHttpServletResponse()) {
> > >>>                 outputWriter.print(msg);
> > >>>                 outputWriter.flush();
> > >>>             }
> > >>>         }
> > >>>
> > >>>         public void close() throws IOException {
> > >>>             inputStream.close();
> > >>>             outputWriter.close();
> > >>>         }
> > >>>     }
> > >>>
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