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印华 wrote:
| In my design, I
| [have divided] the server side into several separate logic parts, and each
| part is deployed on a separate Tomcat server. e.g. the first tomcat
| server is to process login request, second tomcat server is to
| calculate user data, the third tomcat server is to store all the user
| information. It is a [distributed] architecture, and I hope in this way,
| this system can be extended by adding tomcat server when the
| application load on one Tomcat server is big enough.

I'm not sure you need all that complexity... most people just run the
whole application on a single server. When the load gets too high for
one server, you duplicate the web app onto a second server (and so on)
and then load balance between them. There's no reason to have physically
separated login, calculation, and data storage mechanisms.

| So currently, I meet a problem of how to
| communicate between the tomcat servers, I think http or webservice
| can do this work simply, but the efficiency is not good, and I don't
| know whether JMS is a good choice for this.

JSM isn't really any better or worse than SOAP, REST, or other
"standard" forms of communication.

| I wonder if there is any
| other way to communicate between the tomcat server?

Servers can communicate in lots of ways:
1. Records through a database
2. Binary or text data through a socket
3. Binary or text data through a named pipe (on a shared filesystem)
4. Objects through JNDI
5. Objects through RMI

| Any help and suggestion will be welcome.

Honestly, the best thing to do would be to put everything into a single
web app and just load balance between (identical) Tomcat servers. I
don't see any advantage of the separation you have created.

If you need sessions to be replicated in a cluster, you can simply turn
on "distributable" sessions and configure the Tomcat instances to
participate in the cluster. If you can tolerate the loss of information
resulting from a Tomcat instance going down while a user is logged-in,
then you don't even have to do that.

Less complexity results in easier maintenance. Hardware is cheap.
Manpower is expensive.

- -chris
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