My first thought when dealing with linux is to verify the file permissions and/or ownership are set so at minimum the user tomcat is running as has at least read permissions on all the files in your webapp. Otherwise your logs should hold more information regarding what's happening.

ashiers wrote:
Hi there,

Hope someone can help.  I was running Tomcat 5.5 and running a webapp just
fine on it on a Linux server.  I just upgraded to Tomcat 6.0 and copied my
webapp files over to it.  Theoretically it should run without a hitch but
Murphy's Law is coming into play.  To run a check, I also installed Tomcat
6.0 on my Windows development machine. Copied the webapp files into Tomcat
there. Everything works fine there.  So I'm trying to figure out what the
difference is on the Linux box.

Here are the specifics:

My webapp has a Login.jsp file at the root of the webapp directory.  That I
can navigate to with no problem using
This file has a form in it that points to the UserID_PasswordCheck servlet. This file is described in the web.xml file with the following: <servlet>



When I click on the Submit button from the Login.jsp page, I get the error
message from the browser saying:

"The requested resource (/tjtapp/UserID_PasswordCheck) is not available"

I don't get this when I run the webapp in Windows.  But I do when I try to
run it on Linux.
Sometimes this sort of thing is due to the fact that Linux is case sensitive
so I made sure the spelling of the servlet file and how it is noted in the
web.xml file was consistant and it is.  So this leaves me stumped.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what maybe going on?  Maybe Tomcat 6.0
requires something different in the web.xml file? Maybe Tomcat 6.0 requires
something more that I don't have in the webapp?

Please advise,


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