On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 20:16:14 +0000 Mark Thomas wrote:
> Delian Krustev wrote:
> > I'm pretty sure
> > there is a functionality which could not be achieved otherwise, although
> > I could not remember which one at this very moment.
> No, there isn't. If there is, that is a bug that needs to be fixed.
> > It doesn't cause any problems. And has been working since the early 6.0.x
> > releases. Some problems might appear if you have some sort of automatic
> > deployment/reloading.
> appBase == docBase is unsupported. Period. The servlet spec allows (might
> even be requires I don't recall off-hand) any directory to treated as a
> webapp so as soon as you have an WAR exploded into the appBase you end up
> with multiple contexts which will cause problems.

I don't see a conflict here.

Have you looked at the configuration I've posted ?


Wars are expanded in the work dir, which is not anywhere under the appBase



> You need to fix your configuration.

appBase in my case is completely irrelevant. I could point it to anywhere and 
it won't make any difference.

Well, I'm not sure I'll find the time to experiment with the contexts in 
separate files especially when it did not work for me. I'm sorry I haven't 
filed a bug report then. 

I'd prefer to spend more time with my 12 days old daughter than chasing tomcat 
bugs ;)

> Those NPEs have been fixed in svn and will be in the next release.

Here we go. Thank you :-)

BTW, Mark. Still haven't received a reply from you on the Juli CVE issue. Have 
you received my message, stating the fix is not sufficient ?


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