En l'instant précis du 30/01/08 12:50, Ray Allen s'exprimait en ces termes:
I'm trying to restrict http access to a given folder.  All the documentation
points to appending the /conf/server.xml entry with the following text:

 <Context path="/restricted" ...>
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
    allow="192.168.*.*" />
That is restricting access to a context name restricted, it's not the same a resrticting access to a folder of a specific webapp. Also, the allow is a coma separated list of regular expression. You should probably use this for your allow:

Unfortunately it doesn't work.  Does this text belong in a different
location; or is there something wrong with my syntax; or have I forgotten
something important?  The /restricted folder can't be seen with this change,
but the rule is not obeyed.  In fact I've found that the outcome of adding
the <Context> entry is the same with or without the <Valve> entry!  Tomcat
6.0 running on Windows.

Ray Allen

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