> From: Deepak Philip N. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have Tomcat 5.0 installed. I have two nodes Node1 and Node2
> running as services. I need the system to send me a mail when
> ever any node fails. Please let me know how this can be done.

As "fails" is generally application-dependent, you will need:

- An application-dependent monitoring page in your webapp.  When invoked, it 
should test everything that you think means the application is "working" and 
return a known output if everything is OK.

- Some suitably stable monitoring platform on which to run your monitor, which 
should invoke your monitoring page on each of node1 and node2 and check for the 
known output that everything is OK.  This should *not* be "the system".  "The 
system" can crash, run out of memory or do a myriad other things such that it 
has failed and will not send you an email.  It should be some completely 
separate computer or - for the really paranoid - set of computers.  Nagios, for 
example, will do this.  See the section "Monitoring HTTP" on 
http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/monitoring-publicservices.html for 
details.  There are other apps, Nagios is merely an example.

- Regular emails or other notification that the application *is* working.  If 
you only get emailed when the app fails, you never know whether lack of email 
means everything is OK, or whether something is so broken it can't even send 
the email to tell you.

                - Peter

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