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Jan and Matthias,

Reich, Matthias wrote:
| I think it is better to start one background worker thread and pass
| the log requests to that thread with the help of a queue.

Definitely. Otherwise, you could have threads piling up on one another
if every request spawns another thread (and waits a bit to do the lookup).

| You can
| also consider to let the worker cache the DNS lookup results.
| (Usually you will see requests from the same clients lots of times.)

Another good idea.

Another idea would be to do the lookups later, as part of a
post-log-processing process. For instance, our production site uses
Apache to log requests without reverse DNS lookup. When we run webalizer
to generate graphs and stuff for the logs, we have webalizer do the
reverse DNS lookup at that time. That way, the app server (or web server
in our case), never has to do the lookup at all. This might be an option
for you.

Finally, the servlet specification allows containers to constrain
webapps in certain ways, including the creation of threads (so that
webapps are less likely to cause instability):

~From section 1.3 (spec v2.5):

"A servlet container may place security restrictions on the environment
in which a servlet executes. In a Java Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE,
v.1.3 or above) or Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE, v.1.3 or
above) environment, these restrictions should be placed using the
permission architecture defined by the Java platform. For example,
high-end application servers may limit the creation of a Thread object
to insure that other components of the container are not negatively

Also note that you should capture the IP address from the request before
handing anything off to another thread (or to a queue that will be
processed by another thread). You certainly do not want to store the
request object itself anywhere: it breaks the spec (see below) and it
WILL break your application.

~From section 2.3.4:
"References to the request and response objects should not be given to
objects executing in other threads as the resulting behavior may be

(And they're not kidding!)

Good luck,
- -chris
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